Saturday, June 16, 2007

Semakau Public Walk (16th June 2007)

While waiting at the West Coast Pier, the wind was blowing from the South, we were hoping that the storm cloud that threatened the sky will quickly come to pass. Well it will be a wet experience for all of us!

Today walk, we were priviledged to lead the girls from St Nicholas, our team was the Turtle Team.

Reaching Semakau, we quickly make a dash to the entrance as the tide was already rising.

Well certainly we were not walking like turtle from the landing point tothe entrance.

Across the meadow, we chanced upon this Spider Conch (Lambis lambis) with its two protruding

A Spider Crab (Schizophrys aspera), looks at the size of this beauty. This was the first time I am seeing such a crab in Semakau. A close relative is the Snow Crab or the cold water Spider Crab which are delicacy in Japan.
The highlight of Semakau trip will be the Knobbly Sea Star (Protoreaster nodosus), not ONE but Three. Being cradled gently by the "Turtles"of St Nicholas.
Semakau Landfill has only ONE shelter which is at the entrance, and being on a mud flat is simply too dangerous for we became the highest point in the whole area. Not wise, if you received any Lightning Warning.

Alas, the coordinator received lightning warning, and the storm cloud that we saw earlier has shed its contents towards the East, hastily we beat a retreat, with some wiser ones donning poncho and retrieving their brollies. For the unprepared, a drenching experience it will be.

In the haste, some of the "Turtles" trod on untested land, and found themselves knee high in mud. Save for the pride, some shoes were stuck in the quagmire of Mangrove Swamp.

Shelter we reached, but simply too small for this crowd.

Guides will have to sacrifice and outside the shelter we have to stand, but honestly it is definitely cooler, and if not more pleasant!

Looks at their smile, and I believe they agree so.

Finally the rain cleared, and the land is once again refreshed!


TS said...

really unforgettable experience today man~~

Geraldine said...

geraldine(one of the sngs turtles)
nice write up you've got! n the pictures are fantastic... it was a really wonderful experience for me! didn't have the time to thank you properlly at the place but i would really like to say a big thank you! i've really learnt many things! :P n its really an unforgettable experience for me... hope to see you again in the near future if i happen to experience another of this kinda walks!
you can find me here!